Sunday, January 29, 2012

Keeping with tradition.

Updating ridiculously late when it comes to too many pictures and too many pictures to wrap my head around. So here is a simple picture story of my wonderful 2 weeks in Kansas.
I got to share my sisters first legal drink with her on her 21st birthday.
Spend time with creepy face santa in my mom's beautifully decorated house full of love, laughs, food and people I love.
Spend ''quality time'' with my ridiculous best friend, Teryl.
Spend time with my daddy.
Meet Jayme's baby boy, Rowan.
Throw a bridal shower for my best friend, Ashley and spend time with my girlfriends.
Watch Tanner be a crazy 3 year old boy.
Eat with my mom, sisters and niece at Ruths house.
Dress up like a present and act ridiculous with my girlfriends
Celebrate Christmas with my girlfriends at our annual Christmas party for the first time in 2 years.
Share laughs, smiles, drinks and good times with these beautiful women.
Be in amazement at this young lady. She is spectacular and I love her so much!
Watch the joy on a 7 year olds face while she opened her first Easy Bake.
Watch my mother be an amazing ''yaya''.
See my nephew wear a Swedish cartoon shirt :)
Watch my sister with her fiance and feel so excited that they found each other and will have a life with each other.
Spend time with my brothers and sisters and create new inside jokes ''Jesus Christ hoodies''.
Celebrate my niece's 7th birthday with her and providing a Swedish touch with Pippi Longstocking decorations.
Spend time with my big brother, who I am so amazed by and proud of.
Those 2 weeks were so full of amazing things, times, memories, food, drinks, and I could go on! I am so thankful I have such a home to visit and so many people to see.
Now in 2012 we are enjoying our time together! I love living in Sweden and I love being with Fredrik. My heart is so full and I really feel like a lucky person!