Monday, February 22, 2010

Glad Alla Hjärtans Dag!

Ok it's super late but I just was so occupied these past 9 days. Occupied with spending time with Fredrik! Good excuse, eh! :) But I did do some fun things while I've been on make these cookies and brownies!

Cookies I made for the girls before I left them!
Some fudge espresso brownies, I took these to my friend Farzad and Misty.And some cowboy cookies. YUM! Took these to Fika with Fredrik's Mormor and Morfar.

For Valentines Day I woke up nice and early and made some homemade biscuits and gravy, and I made my own sausage! Spiced it and everything! Go me! And I made a big delicious egg, bacon, cheese casserole. I also did a very corny thing and won't go into detail..but man, I have a good Valentines Day to top off next year! Sheesh!


I forgot to mention a VERY Happy Birthday to my dad, who turned 35 the day before Valentines day, my mom who is a Valentine baby, and Leslie who celebrated the day after Valentines day! Grattis på födelsedagen to you all!

As I mentioned prior, I gave the lovely brownies to Farzad and Misty. We met them this past Friday night and had a really great time! Lots of laughs, conversations and beer! :) When Fredrik and I left it was snowing...HARD! So here are some mishaps from that photo session! :)

Yes, I know some of you are wondering...why? I think we wonder the same thing when we see this video. I know a certain reader and germaphobe is going to be quite grossed out by this! :) I love the part when I try to trick him and say "click". Wow. We are silly.
Now this picture just makes me laugh. I kept calling him Jack Frost and Father Winter. I wouldn't let him wear a hat out because I did his hair for him and it would have gotten messed up. How nice of me! :)
Maybe I like the snow...
Oh and this is one of the beautiful presents Fredrik got me. The scarf I'm wearing on my head. Haha, had to show it off. I think taking silly pictures of ourselves is one of our favorite pass times. I love his beard and squinty eyes! I think we were trying to make our lips disappear!

So all in all, it's been a great passed 9 days. I am so lucky I got to spend that time with my sweetie. He's one of a kind and I'm soooo lucky I snatched him up! I think the whole time I've been here we were waiting for a week like that.

Now it's back to the grind! But, just as quickly as the time I came to Sweden arrived, it's ending just as quick. I only have 3-4 months left here. In the long run, that isn't much time left at all! With the days getting longer (even though we have LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of snow) the days will start flying by! Must enjoy them while I'm here!

The Swedish thingof the day is a sign. I took this picture for some reason...but somebody who hasn't been living in Sweden for 7 months, this sign would just look ridiculous. It's kind of impressive that I can understand most of this. I usually get stuck on a word or two like in this sign. BUT, this sign says something along the lines of "what can my little self do for the environment." Swedes love to recycle.I'm gonna ask you. What are some Swedish words you would like to know? The Swedish word today is "fråga" which means "question" and is pronounced "froahga". Go ahead, answer, you know you wanna!


  1. Thank you for the birthday wishes - again! I'm now 52 but don't mind telling people but usually I add a few years just for kicks!

    Be careful in the snow! Love you Mom

  2. My fraga is:
    What are some wedding words and customs in Sweden? Do they have wedding showers, throw rice or have big weddings with traditions like our own?
