Wednesday, July 22, 2009

100 years...minus a couple of days.

I have been SO busy

Trip to Wisconsin was exceedly pleasant. I had a really great time. I always forget how beautiful it is up there untill the day we arrive, and I'm always in shock how beautiful it is, and how much is has not changed. We celebrated Tanners 1st birthday, it only seems yesterday we celebrated Emma's first birthday, and there she was, helping her not so baby brother open his birthday gifts. I'm going to miss them the most. We went shopping, drank wine, ate great food, played games, talked ALOT, laughed even more, spent time with each other as family and good friends. It was a really great, and unforgettable trip. Thank you to my mom, who always works her tush off to make it great for all of us, and makes sure we all have sheets to sleep on! :)

...then we came home...

...then we start on the laundry. Wow. Mom has been doing laundry for 4 days now, I have been putting away as much as I can AND have started packing. PACKING, can you believe that?! My first post was 79 days...and now it's 9 days. Are you kidding me? NINE DAYS! It's starting to get exciting and REALLY scary at the same time. But, I have nearly packed all my "junk" away, storing it at my brothers house, along with my bed. And I have decided 3 bags is what I get to take with me, although I did send myself 20 or so pairs of jeans and skirts via snail mail yesterday. That only cost me $160!

The rest of my time in Kansas is busy busy busy. Plans with friends, going away party, a trip to Worlds of Fun, a trip to Seneca to visit my grandma, etc. etc. goal before I leave, DO NOT LOSE MY PASSPORT!

One of my favorite, yet useless, pictures from the cabin. Only fits, a Swedish themed lawn chair.
...and one of the best from the cabin, a view of our lake, could it get any better than that?


  1. im not even mentioned... :(

  2. That's why I didn't even comment. It's almost like she's more excited for the country of Sweden, and her pants that are there, than for you. Honestly. Teachers these days...

  3. Clearly, I don't find it necessary to metion Fredrik in every post. Sheesh! Get off my case!

  4. You dont have to mention me in every post, but this week was a special week! Haha.
